Image: Louise Henderson,
October, 1987, oil on canvas,
from the series The Twelve Months (1987)
Creating space to question, discover and co-create with Christ
Culture Care RDU equips the local church to display Christ in culture through the arts, imagination and creation.
We help bridge the gap in spiritual formation between content (orthodoxy) and process (orthopraxis) through a lively, hospitable and thoughtful fellowship.
Does your church want to partner with Culture Care RDU as an imaginative discipleship community?
Explore the essential human longings and God’s response through the Gospel story.​
Understand Jesus’s vision to equip the church to care for our city with character and creativity.​​
Explore the ethics engaged in daily actions, rituals and virtues within our community.​​
Engage ancient Christian wisdom in a modern context to bring about “human flourishing.”​
Encounter creation and the arts to learn and experience God in community witness.
Culture Care RDU creates community conversations, research-based projects and catalytic workshops to:​​